
To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
-Aldous Huxley

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our dog Max instantly welcomed Logan into our family. Max likes to look out for Logan when he is sleeping to make sure everything is okay. Logan doesn't seem to mind the odd little doggie kiss either.

Logan just chillin with momma as he loves to do. Mindy will be able to get loads of snuggles in over the next year and a half as she will officially be a stay at home mother!

Such a cutie!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bonding Brothers

Owen just loves spending time with his little brother. He is fascinated by how small everything is, especially his fingers and nose. Owen can't wait until Logan can start crawling and interacting more but he still loves him just the way he is now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mommy and the Boys

It's amazing how fast a week can go. Logan has been an awesome baby so far! He really just sleeps and wakes up occasionally to feed. I think the longest he has been awake and alert is about 1 hour. Owen continues to be a very helpful big brother and likes having a new guy around the house (of course he hasn't had to share his toys yet).
Proud Daddy J is loving his paternity leave and only working half days. I go to work around 11 or 12 and return around 3pm! It will be a sad day next week when I must return full time. Mommy is doing fantastic and recovering well. Super Mom has been out walking each morning and is absolutely loving staying home with Logan all day and Owen in the afternoons. It is nice knowing that I don't have to worry about a thing with Mindy staying home with the boys. We also have the added benefit of living across the street from school so we are never far apart and can easily see each other throughout the day.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Helper Owen

Owen loves to help out with his little brother Logan whenever he can. Assisting with the diaper change is no problem as long as he doesn't have to touch the dirty ones!

Logan Has Arrived!

Logan Alexander joined the Martin Family on Wednesday, November 12th, 2008. He weighed in at a very average 7.5lbs (3.4kgs) and about 20" (51cm) long. All fingers and toes have been accounted for and so far he has been a very good baby.

Big brother Owen (kooya in the Philippines) has been so excited and eager to help when he can with his baby brother. I suppose we are still in the honeymoon period but Owen has not shown any jealousy or negativety to Logan....yet. Is that a happy grin or an evil little devil smirk??
The happy family. Minutes after the arrival, our first group shot (just missing Owen who was still at home). I'm sporting the latest in hip fashion design as you can see.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008!

Owen/Thomas the Train absolutely loved trick or treating this year!! He was sooooo excited to run around and get all of candy from the neighbors. He went around with Jason and I as well as his best friend Olivia, who is in his class at school. He was a pro at saying trick or treat and then too cute when people gave him candy for his basket. He would give them huge hugs and say thank you. Not to worry though...they were not strangers. Everyone who participates in the Halloween event are teachers from our school. The community that we live in is very multicultural and many of the families do not have this holiday in their home country. However, the neighbors do love to come out and see the kids in their costumes. I think that Jason and I had just as much fun as Owen because we loved seeing the huge smile on his face!

Tiger Who?

Owen loves to hit the driving range with his new clubs he got this summer. On this occasion he hit 5 buckets of balls and only stopped because of the blisters starting to form on his hand!
What you can't see in this picture is the young Filipina girl that is sitting on a small chair beside Owen who replaces the ball on the tee everytime he hits it. Only in the Philippines!!