
To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
-Aldous Huxley

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Special Time with Family

We had loads of friends and family visiting over the 2 weeks that we stayed at Carriage Hills Resort in June. This is Grandma and Grandpa coming back from the pool.

Oh Grandpa, your sooooo funny!!

The Boyz. Cousins hanging out at the trailer.

Higher Grandma, higher!!

Too cute. Owen would love to have a sister! I think the cousins will have to do.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Nana and Papa

Logan spent a wonderful morning with Nana and Papa at the beach.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back in Canada

After a busy week in Hong Kong and Beijing, and the long flight back to Toronto, it was nice to just relax and hang around. Nothing like some good old fashioned tree climbing.
Logan, as always, did his best to keep up to big brother.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Great Wall

On our last full day in Beijing we made the trip out to "The Great Wall". What a stunning view we had. We could only begin to comprehend the vastness of the wall when standing on it and seeing it snake out endlessly across the peak of the mountain. It was very impressive!

This area of the wall tends to be less visited by tourists which made it all the more special for us.

Someone decided that building a sled ride down the mountain was a good idea. It turns out it was. We had a blast twisting and turning down the mile long slide to get back to where we started.

The boys were troopers on our trip and had fun running around the wall and playing on the look out points.

You can tell from the picture that it wasn't easy hiking. There were some very steep sections that made all the more difficult while carrying the boys.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Temple of Heaven

Owen is becoming very photogenic and doesn't often miss a chance for a good shot.

I think there are many Chinese families with this same picture of our boys. They were quite the rock stars there. Most of the time they didn't mind the attention but they let people know when they had enough (Mom and Dad had to also!).

The 100 rose garden was very pretty. Needless to say there were many more then 100 roses in this garden.

More dancing in traditional wear. This location seemed to be a popular spot for locals to hang out on the weekends.

Water paintings on the sidewalk. I'm sure the Chinese characters spelled out something very nice. I will need to get some help translating this.

The Temple of Heaven in Beijing

After our busy day yesterday we decided to have a more laid back and relaxing day today. Our friends recommended the Temple of Heaven as a good "people watching" spot with space for the kids to run around. We had a fantastic time climbing in trees, playing with local children, and taking in the sights.

Ballroom dancing anyone? Dancing, tai chi, and other rhythmic exercises were being performed all around us for daily exercise and pleasure. Throw in the gentle music being played everywhere, the beautiful gardens, and spectacular architecture to make for a very enjoyable day.

Photographer Owen snapped this picture in the long grass.

On the subway to the Summer Palace. Some many different modes of transportation on this trip, a boys dream come true.